The Tour as a Challenge to the Rebel Imaginary

by Raúl Zibechi Critical thinking and rebellious and revolutionary practices were contaminated by military logic, to the point of molding them into the spirit of war, which was accelerated with the revolutions of the 20th century. The concepts of tactics and strategy, of offensive and defensive, among others began to occupy a central place in critical thinking. The social struggles came to be considered a part of a military device, to the point that a simple strike was defined by the Red Trade Union International as strike combat, with the workers part of a strike army, while the leaders integrated […]

The Tour as a Challenge to the Rebel Imaginary READ MORE »

Zapatistas disembark in Vigo and rename Europe “Tierra Insumisa” (Unsubmissive Land)

“On behalf of the women, children, men, elders and other Zapatistas, I declare that the name of this land, which they now call Europe, will henceforth be called: SLUMIL K’AJXEMK’OP, which means “Insubmissive Land”. And this is how it will be known by locals and strangers alike as long as there is someone here who will not give up, who will not sell out and who will not give in.”

Zapatistas disembark in Vigo and rename Europe “Tierra Insumisa” (Unsubmissive Land) READ MORE »

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