Volunteer With Us!

In the radically shifting environment that is Chiapas today, all the balls are constantly in the air. If you are considering visiting Chiapas, and wish to volunteer, please indicate your availability. Depending on timing and projects, we would love to include you.

SfC Volunteer Form

Join us in resistance and rebellion! Schools for Chiapas is dedicated to raising awareness and accompanying the Zapatistas in our collective struggle for life. We honor that resistance comes in many forms, and we would love to have you join us!

    Let us know how you'd like to use your skills/interests.
  • Please share what your availability is. And if you are visiting Chiapas, what dates you intend to be there.
  • The joy and strength in solidarity is bringing many talents and visions together. Please share other ideas/skills/interests you might have.
  • Feel free to share with us what motivates you, what inspires you to work alongside communities in resistance, and how that plays out in your life!

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