
The InterOceanic Corridor and the National-Popular Interest

The recycled mega-project of the Tehuantepec inter-oceanic corridor –whose origins lie in the regional development program of Ernesto Zedillo’s government, and whose distant origins lie in the damaging McLane-Ocampo Treaty (1859)– continues its slow but relentless advance, despite the opposition and resistance of multiple local, regional, national and international organizations and collectives that have exposed the serious damage that this monstrous project will cause to the environment, to the peoples who inhabit the disputed territories,  and to the whole socio-political-cultural fabric of the 33 municipalities of Veracruz, 46 of Oaxaca, 14 of Chiapas and five of Tabasco.

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Forced displacement, burning of houses and belongings of 6 Zapatista families in Chilón, Chiapas

New attacks on Support Bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation Six families from the town of “El Esfuerzo”, Comandanta Ramona Autonomous Municipality. The Federal and State Governments of Chiapas are oblivious in the face of permanent violence and dispossession against autonomous territories. San Cristóbal de las Casas Ejidatarios of Muculum Bachajón directed by the president of the ejidal commission, and along with municipal police and Civil Protection agents, burned houses and displaced 6 Zapatista National Liberation Army (BAEZLN) support base families in the community of El Esfuerzo, belonging to the autonomous municipality of Comandanta Ramona, denounced the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Forced displacement, burning of houses and belongings of 6 Zapatista families in Chilón, Chiapas READ MORE »

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