
To Read the World and Transform It

“We know that we are not alone in this journey. How many compañeros and compañeros have come to these lands of ours to share their knowledge, to teach us and for us to teach them, how much they have dedicated their whole lives to share our word, our thinking, to look for ways to support us in this struggle that belongs to all of us,” Manuel shares, the emotion so visible on his young face. “Thanks to this support we can continue to build our schools and clinics, develop materials, have access to medical equipment that allows us to care for our sick…”

Memoir of the War Machetes

To mark the anniversary of the Zapatista uprising 29 years ago this week, Hermann Bellinghausen shares the memories of a family in resistance in an autonomous community of that momentous event.

The Lacandón Commune, at 19 years

The story told by the image is far from anecdotal. That past is still present. It is etched in the skin and memories of those who suffered it, but also in their children and grandchildren.
With its memory fixed on the hell of what life was like on the plantations, the Lacandon Commune has brought up several generations of indigenous rebels.

A Hug from Distant Geographies

Peter Brown and Susan Beattie, we (and so many others) thank you for your labors of love. We carry on guided by the 7 Zapatista principles, and the example of dedication to education you leave in your stead. We wish you both wonder (and some relaxation) in your adventures to come.

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