
We Are Not Afraid

Apropos for a day when those of us in the U.S. are feeling the blow of a hideous election.

Before us lies an even more challenging road than we anticipated, but as peoples and communities, we organize to build strength.

We do not give up, we do not give in and we do not sell out.

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Yesterday’s Paper

“In his popular song Periódico de ayer, Héctor Lavoe narrated the story of a love that had similarities with a newspaper article of the previous day: Sensational when it came out at dawn // By noon already established news // And in the afternoon forgotten matter. In addition to the speed of the news, there is the “presentism” into which we as societies have settled and the noise with which certain information is hidden. Unfortunately, violence in our country is not yesterday’s news, it is a present reality that requires us to discuss it as one of the great national problems and to look for real solutions.”

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Coordination and Monitoring Committee of the CNI-CIG Reports Actions of Discrediting and Criminalization of MAIZ

The National Indigenous Congress denounces attempts to discredit, delegitimize and criminalize the Zapatista Indigenous Agrarian Movement (MAIZ) through attempts to link it to organized crime.

The Congress further states that, ”as indigenous peoples, Zapatistas and non-Zapatistas, we continue and will continue to resist against the repression that the state exercises through the Armed Forces, the National Guard and the police forces and now against the wave of terror sown by the cartels and the paramilitaries supported by federal and state governments. And we will continue to rebuild autonomous living systems without capitalism or patriarchy that guarantee a dignified life for future generations.”

Coordination and Monitoring Committee of the CNI-CIG Reports Actions of Discrediting and Criminalization of MAIZ READ MORE »

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