Making the Path by Walking

In a complicated national and international scenario, the originary peoples organized in the CNI continue weaving, building horizons, insisting on the global and anti-capitalist character of the struggle. Accustomed to resisting, the people walk knowing that the path is made by walking.

Stop Mega-Projects Forum!

Stop Megaprojects Forum!

Learn how you can support the Struggle for Life and Stop the megaprojects of Death.

Speakers: Bettina Cruz Velazquez, consejala from the Isthmo, Sara Gómez, consejala from Candelaria, Campeche, and Mario Quintero, CNI member from the Isthmo.

THIRD CALL for the INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER THE SOUTH RESISTS 2023! “Global Corporate Capitalism, Planetary Patriarchy, Autonomies in Rebellion”

It is time for us to listen to each other and to point directly to those who are behind the causes of the dispossession that we experience in our territories, to that 1% of the world population whose decisions and ways of life have caused the current climate crisis that forces us to be displaced as peoples, that reconfigures our territories and confronts us with exploitation, extractivism, and war.

We are the 99% who resist the onslaught of those who would destroy us and seek to dominate us.

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