THIRD CALL for the INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER THE SOUTH RESISTS 2023! “Global Corporate Capitalism, Planetary Patriarchy, Autonomies in Rebellion”


February 24, 2023

To the peoples in resistance and rebellion of the South-Southeast of Mexico. To the peoples in resistance and rebellion of the Global South. 

To the national and international organizations of struggle below and to the left. To the human rights organizations of the world. 

To the free and alternative press or whatever they are called:

Only two months remain until the beginning of the caravan “El Sur Resiste 2023” (The South Resists 2023) which will travers the Mexican South/Southeast through territories affected by the interconnected megaproject known as the “Mayan Train/Transisthmic Corridor” which will articulate towns, communities, neighborhoods, borroughs, and indigenous, peasant, feminist, union and popular and civil society organizations that are in struggle and resistance against various forms of dispossession by the State, and global, patriarchal capital.  

For the finale of this tour which will take place from April 25 to May 5, we are convening this international meeting to share the pains, hopes and strategies of articulation traced, to learn from the struggles of other geographies, and to continue weaving solidarity networks of resistance and planetary rebellions.

We call on everyone, everyone, everyone, the neighborhood resistances, the peoples who struggle, the urban and peripheral collectives, those who build autonomies and rebellions in all corners of the Global South, to unite, to meet again to get to know each other, exchange knowledge and feelings, coordinate global struggles, agree on joint actions to name, point out and claim the right to life with dignity of peoples and nature.

It is time for us to listen to each other and to point directly to those who are behind the causes of the dispossession that we experience in our territories, to that 1% of the world population whose decisions and ways of life have caused the current climate crisis that forces us to be displaced as peoples, that reconfigures our territories and confronts us with exploitation, extractivism, and war. Because we know that the struggles are not only here in Mexico, they are in many places around the world where compañeras, compañeros and compañeroas of the global South are putting their bodies on the line defend their territories from the corridors, trains and death projects of global corporate capitalism. And we know that in the corners of what is called the Global North there are people resisting, who are also part of the Global South, and we call on them to join their voices to this struggle. We are the 99% who resist the onslaught of those who would destroy us and seek to dominate us.

We invite you to register before April 15 at, with the subject “international meeting”, providing contact information: name and surname, organization, state and/or country of origin and specifying if you wish to present a concrete experience of struggle, resistance and/or construction of autonomies and its presentation format (video, powerpoint, etc), considering a short presentation time, which will be adjusted once registration is completed.

As part of the program, there will be a moment of sharing of different struggles; however, probably, there will not be enough time for everyone, and therefore, we will invite you to set up information “stands” in which you can, during the breaks, share your experience with people who wish to do so. We invite you to write a piece of writing of no more than 2 pages, illustrating the most important aspects of your struggle process to be included in the final report.

For lodging, information will be provided on safe, low-cost places to stay in San Cristobal de las Casas. Due to the current situation of insecurity in the city of San Cristobal de las Casas, it is recommended not to go out in the suburbs after 9 p.m. and to collectively protect the security of the International Encounter among all the participants, remembering that the consumption of alcohol and drugs is not allowed, nor is any type of harassment or violence tolerated.

From different corners of the South-Southeast of Mexico:

Coordination and Organizing Commission EL SUR RESISTE 2023 National Indigenous Congress – Indigenous Council of Government




This communiqué was issued on February 24th 2023 by the National Indigenous Congress.
English translation by Schools for Chiapas.

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