For decades, indigenous communities in Chiapas have fought for a better education for their children. In the face of rising insecurity in the state, autonomous education becomes increasingly imperative. Guided by the model of community-based education families are able to confront the ever-advancing siege on their community well-being.
With this model, communities are organizing amongst themselves to bring autonomous and culturally appropriate education to their communities. At the beginning of this year, Schools for Chiapas held its first workshop in a new program working with communities to provide teacher training and materials for community education/literacy promoters. Our work focuses supporting their efforts and building capacity within the communities themselves to sustain literacy training and education promotion into the future.
Your Gift of Change of literacy (and beyond), literally changes someone’s world!
**We want to clarify that the funds raised at this time are not going to autonomous Zapatista communities, but to support the efforts of indigenous communities inspired by the Zapatista communities who are working to build autonomy in education.