From Ricardo Flores Magón to Julian Assange (III and final)

With its singularities and in the era of cyberspace, the case of Julian Assange is intertwined with that of Flores Magón 100 years later, both being accused by the United States of espionage and sedition….As in the case of Flores Magón, the Assange case shows the use of the US and British judiciary to persecute, imprison and condemn rebels and critics of the system of capitalist domination. In both cases freedom of expression was criminalized.

Three Decades of Las Abejas; 25 Years After the Massacre in Acteal

December 21 and 22 will mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of the civil organization Las Abejas and 25 years since the massacre in Acteal. For this reason it is worthwhile to remember a bit about both events, and to highlight the tireless and peaceful struggle they have led for the vindication and respect of indigenous rights.

CNTE, 43 years

Luis Hernández Navarro marks the anniversary of the formation of an institution of popular struggle for emancipatory education – the CNTE.

The CNTE is heir and keeper of the pedagogical work of great educators who forged rural education in the country, such as José Santos Valdés, Raúl Isidro Burgos and Isidro Castillo. It takes up the legacy of the communist and Cardenista teachers who promoted agrarian reform, the struggle against religious fanaticism and the organization of workers’ unions, and who were assassinated, impaled and disoriented by neo-Christians and landowners.

Looking without Seeing, Thinking without Feeling: Limits of Eurocentrism

It is true that the European and Latin American lefts have been left without politics, without concrete proposals in the face of war. But the peoples of this continent, experts in surviving wars of dispossession, are taking unprecedented paths, as are the Mapuche, the Nasa and Misak, the dozens of Amazonian peoples and the black and peasant peoples to confront this war. They are beginning to place autonomy in a central place in their constructions and reflections, something that apparently escapes the intellectuals on both sides of the ocean.

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