
The Lacandón Commune, at 19 years

The story told by the image is far from anecdotal. That past is still present. It is etched in the skin and memories of those who suffered it, but also in their children and grandchildren.
With its memory fixed on the hell of what life was like on the plantations, the Lacandon Commune has brought up several generations of indigenous rebels.

Joint Statement Against the Aggressions Against the Communities of Caracol 10 of E.Z.L.N.

July 28, 2022 To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) To the National Indigenous Congress To the National and International Sexta To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion To those who sign the Declaration for Life To the people who sow Dignity and Organization Organizations, collectives and networks adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle denounce the persistence of aggressions, harassment and forced displacements with the complicity and impunity of all three levels of government towards the autonomous communities of; El Esfuerzo, Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipality Comandanta Ramona; Nuevo San Gregorio, Moisés y …

Joint Statement Against the Aggressions Against the Communities of Caracol 10 of E.Z.L.N. READ MORE »

Coffee, the Woodsman and the Bear

by Luis Hernández Navarro The small coffee growers are upset and disappointed with the federal government. They reproach the federal government for unduly granting privileges to the transnational Nestlé. They are also angry that the government has refused to dialogue and agree with them on fundamental issues of the industry. According to the Veracruz Commission of Price Monitoring for Coffee, made up of the five most important coffee associations in the state, the government’s alliances with the company opened the way for the placement of officials in Sader (Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development)and the Secretary of Economy to promote …

Coffee, the Woodsman and the Bear READ MORE »

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