Joint Statement Against the Aggressions Against the Communities of Caracol 10 of E.Z.L.N.

Children of Nuevo San Gregorio Photo: Red Ajmaq

July 28, 2022

To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional)

To the National Indigenous Congress

To the National and International Sexta

To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion

To those who sign the Declaration for Life

To the people who sow Dignity and Organization

Organizations, collectives and networks adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle denounce the persistence of aggressions, harassment and forced displacements with the complicity and impunity of all three levels of government towards the autonomous communities of; El Esfuerzo, Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipality Comandanta Ramona; Nuevo San Gregorio, Moisés y Gandhi region, Poblado La Resistencia, Poblado Emiliano Zapata, Poblado San Isidro and 16 de febrero, Municipio Autónomo Rebelde Zapatista Lucio Cabañas, of Caracol 10 “Floreciendo la Semilla Rebelde,” of the Junta de Buen Gobierno “Nuevo Amanecer en Resistencia y Rebeldía por la Vida y la Humanidad” in Chiapas, Mexico. We also denounce the obstruction of human rights work carried out by the Civil Observation Brigades (BriCO).

On Thursday, July 14, 2022, the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) documented that at approximately “08:00 hours, ejidatarios from Muculum Bachajón, headed by the ejidal commissariat together with municipal police and civil protection agents, arrived at the town of San José Tenojí, Chilón, where they held a meeting, and at around 13:50 hours they violently entered the town of “El Esfuerzo”, autonomous municipality of Comandanta Ramona (comprised of 54 hectares of land recovered in 1994 by the EZLN), displacing six families Bases of Support of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN) who left their usual location to protect their lives and moved to the community of Xixintonil, they also set fire to the houses and their property and there is a risk that 20 hectares of corn and beans that have not yet been harvested will be lost” [1].

On June 29, 2022, at a press conference, our comrades from Frayba presented a report in which they denounced the death threats against national and international observers and the obstruction of their defense work. [2].

Remember that since March 2021 a camp for the BriCOs was set up in the Zapatista community of Nuevo San Gregorio with the objective of safeguarding the physical and emotional integrity of our Zapatista comrades. In a context of constant aggressions since November 2019 by a group of people coming from different neighboring communities known as “Los 40 Invasores,” (the 40 invaders) who have encircled and dispossessed 155 hectares of land recovered in 1994 by the EZLN, which are part of the collective territory of Nuevo San Gregorio [3].

Since April 2019, the Moisés and Gandhi Region has been the target of armed aggressions by the paramilitary group of the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO), due to an agrarian interest in dispossessing lands recovered by the EZLN [4].

On May 5, 2022, the paramilitary group ORCAO forcibly displaced four families made up of 29 people in the town of La Resistencia, as well as 11 families made up of 54 people in the town of Emiliano Zapata. To this we add the paramilitary aggressions towards the town of San Isidro and the town of Moises and Gandhi [5].

In another attack, on January 10, 2022, at approximately 01:00 hours, the autonomous community of 16 de Febrero was attacked, where an unidentified group of about 15 hooded and armed people entered the autonomous community, in addition to beating some families and disappearing four people for a few hours [6].

As adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, we have been witnesses to the dignified processes of resistance of the Zapatista families in order not to give in to criminal provocations. In the same way we have been witnesses, and we have accompanied the work of the observers and our compañerxs of Frayba. We can assure that we have tried to do an impeccable job as defenders of rights, where the main objective is and has been to safeguard the project of autonomy and life that the Zapatista struggle represents. The importance of the work of the BriCOs is fundamental within the political work in the state of Chiapas, a work that has been carried out for 28 years. We find it highly worrisome that this work, which is committed to life, is being threatened in different ways, even to the extreme of threats of rape directed against our fellow observers. It is truly regrettable that the observation activities in this territory have been suspended, we know and share the reasons why our Frayba comrades have taken this decision, as it leaves the inhabitants of the Zapatista community of Nuevo San Gregorio vulnerable. Today, once again we see the misgovernment of the supposed and cynical “Fourth Transformation” that allows the life, physical and emotional integrity of human rights defenders to be threatened.

Faced with this whole scenario of war against the life and autonomy of the Zapatista peoples, we can say that for 28 years Mother Earth has been resisting and sustaining the autonomy of the Zapatista peoples, guardians of the recovered lands that are legitimately the lands of the EZLN. From there the fabric of life blossoms and produces seed that resists and rebels against this criminal capitalist system; through a relationship of respect and care for Mother Earth with organizational processes through autonomy from the community and the collective, are places of resistance that illuminate the horizon and we can look at ourselves in the mirror that another world is possible.

Therefore, we call on all comrades adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and Networks of Resistance and Rebellion, so that all of us as comrades in the struggle for Life and for the defense of Mother Earth can join in from our geographies, according to our own ways. We call on all of us, as comrades in struggle for Life and for the defense of Mother Earth, to join together from our geographies, according to our ways and times, to DEMONSTRATE AS SOON AS WE CAN, with the objective of denouncing this war against life, the autonomy of the Zapatista peoples, for the integral security of human rights defenders and to demand that the Mexican government cease its complicity and impunity.

We also make a call to participate in dislocated and public actions during the first week of August 1-8 to jointly make visible the denunciations. That is to say, we call to demonstrate spontaneously and jointly, without one way canceling the other to break the media siege… All voices!

Stop the harassment of the Zapatista communities!
Stop counterinsurgency practices against the communities of Caracol 10 of the EZLN!

Network of Resistances and Rebellions AJMAQ
Anticapitalist University Network (Mexico City)
Women and the Sixth, Abya Yala
Resistencias Enlazando Dignidad-Movimiento y Corazón Zapatista (Red MyC Zapatista)

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    Sexta Grietas del Norte
Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía Tlalpan
Mexicanos Unidos
Armando Soto Baeza
Carolina Concepcion González González . Profesora – Investigadora en la UABCS . La Paz, Baja California Sur
Peter Rosset
Espacio de Lucha contra el Olvido y la Represión (ELCOR-Chiapas)
Diana Itzu Gutierrez Luna (Chiapas, México)
La Cátedra Jorge Alonso
Colectivo Nodo Solidale (México – Italia)
José Antonio Olvera Llamas
Colectividad Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía(NAR) de la Red Morelense de Apoyo al CNI/CIG
Lumaltik Herriak
Desmi A.C.
Charlotte Saenz
Caitlin Manning, San Francisco, CA
Comite de Apoyo a Chiapas, Oakland, CA
Miriam de Nazaret García del Saz
Enrique Bauza Ferre
Red de Solidaridad con Chiapas, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Raúl Zibechi (Uruguay)
Colectiva Corazón del Tiempo / Puelmapu territorio ancestral Mapuche
Ramona Mercado Autogestivo Natural, Córdoba, Argentina
Valeria Sbuelz, Córdoba, Argentina
Red de feminismos descoloniales
Citizens Summons, Bonn, Alemania
Tampico abajo y a la izquierda
Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT)
Constanza Araya Sandoval, Antropóloga, Madrid
Associació Cultural el Raval-El Lokal
IF Mexicogruppen, Dinamarca
Red Latina sin fronteras
Patrícia Rios Brandi
Centro de Documentación sobre Zapatismo – CEDOZ-
Elena Cedrón portal Confraternizarhoy, Argentina
¡Compas arriba! Medios Libres
Olivia Meehan
Asociación Cultural Q’anil, San Juan Sacatepéquez, Guatemala
 Francisco De Parres Gómez – Antropólogo / Fotógrafo
Carolina Elizabeth Díaz Iñigo – Antropóloga
Colectivo Transdisciplinario de Investigaciones Críticas (COTRIC)
Asamblea Libertaria Autoorganizada Paliacate Zapatista, Grecia
Y Retiemble!. Colectivo de apoyo en Madrid al CNI-CIG y al EZLN
Miriam Barranco Díaz.
Ma. Eugenia Sanchez Diaz de Rivera. Puebla.
Colectivo gata-gata. Alemania.
André Nascimento
Assentamento Utopia e Luta – Porto Alegre-Brasil
Valentina Cisneros
Israel Mora Pirra
Antonio Gritón (artista visual)
Arturo Anguiano Profesor-investigador
Morfin Otero, Francisco
Inés Durán Matute
Escuelas para Chiapas
Kate Keller
Alicia Castellanos Guerrero
Gilberto Lopéz y Rivas
Sylvia Marcos
Bárbara Zamora
Raúl Delgado Wise
Ana Esther Ceceña
Juan Villoro
Jorge Alonso Sánchez
Márgara Millán
Servando Gajá
Comunidad Circular AC
Sashenka Fierro Resendiz, Ensenada, BC
Magdalena Gómez
JAD Co.Productions
Núria Gràcia
María Eugenia Sánchez
Magdalena Gómez
Aída Hernández
Juan Carlos Rulfo
Elisa Cruz Rueda
Raúl Romero Gallardo
Silvia Resendiz Flores, Activista feminista, Ensenada Baja California
Luiz Alberto Barreto Leite Sanz
Epifanía Pérez Vázquez, Adherente a la Sexta Declaración
Cassio Brancaleone
Arbel Mendoza Pérez/ Misión de Guadalupe, Chiapas
Clara Redal Montané, Madrid
Unitierra Oaxaca
Carlos López Beltrán
Paula Mónaco Felipe
Mujeres de la Sexta Jovel
Lengualerta (cantor-CDMX)
Fernanda Navarro
Renata Ferreira da Silveira – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Marcelo Argenta Câmara – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Dilermando Cataneo da Silveira – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Bárbara Gonçalves Hesseln – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Nelson Rego – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Sinthia Cristina Batista – Agb Porto Alegre – Docente UFRGS – Porto
Ateneu Libertário A Batalha da Várzea – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros – Seção Porto Alegre
Teia dos Povos – Brasil
Teia dos Povos São Paulo – Brasil
Teia dos Povos Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil
Teia dos Povos Ceará – Brasil
Teia dos Povos São Paulo – Brasil
Território Junana – Maquiné/Brasil
Utopia e Luta Assentamento Urbano – Porto Alegre/Brasil
Federação Anarquista Gaúcha – FAG – Brasil
Resistência Popular Vale dos Sinos – Brasil
Deriva Jornailsmo Independente – Brasil
Mecha de Arizona State University

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