Indigenous Rights

The Fall of Cristopher Columbus

October 12 (previously designated Columbus Day) marks a major shift in in consciousness that began decades ago, with the recovery of memory and the true Histories of America. Herman Bellinghausen tells the story, counterposing in with AMLO’s paternalistic and hipocritical rhetoric.

“Development” and Extraction: Water Scarcity in Chiapas

The colors of the May rains. How many greens can there be? The green of the grass reflected in the hanging dewdrops, the shadowy greens of the river cypresses, the purple green, the silent green of the pines, the dignity in the stillness of the fog that surrounds the scene; a mountain slope of conifers and oaks whose roots support the thin soil of the highlands. How can this be the place where we hear about water problems? How can these greens coincide with water scarcity? Unlike the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Guerrero, with large deserts, Chiapas is known …

“Development” and Extraction: Water Scarcity in Chiapas READ MORE »

Zapatista girl in blue shirt

Lupita’s Secret – bilingual

“El Secreto de Lupita” cuenta la historia de cómo las comunidades organizadas del sureste mexicano resisten ante los megaproyectos del mal gobierno. “He disfrutado mucho este trabajo porque creo firmemente que es importante explorar con dispositivos narrativos diferentes que sean didácticos, creativos y, por qué no, divertidos. “

Galeano - Artist Rendition

Galeano ¡Presente! Painting in his memory – celebrating his passion!

The murdered Zapatista teacher Galeano has become an respected and honored, almost iconic, figure in the songs and stories of the Mayan peoples of Chiapas, Mexico. This spring, his memory will be reborn
in the vivid colors and powerful images of Mexican muralism. Join us in Chiapas, or below and on the left in your heart of hearts, to make this amazing project possible!

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