U.S. Imperialism

Extractivism Rhymes with Militarism

“Some very recent events on our continent represent a twist in the militarization of common goods, either legally or de facto, at the hands of governments and their armed forces, or “irregular” armed actors who roam freely when states allow them.” Raúl Zibechi examines trends in Latin American militarization, and their common goal.

Imperialism, Migration and the International Working Class

“We are here because you were there, read a banner in a demonstration of migrants in 2003, in Spain. The slogan sums up well the historical nature and the relationship between colonialism, imperialism, and the recent phenomena of mass migration.” Raúl Romero sheds light on the borders of bloodshed and the crisis of the international working class.

The Military Industrial Complex

Raul Romero reflects on the rising influence of the military-industrial complex in Mexico. “When the military are predominant members of the power elite, Mills reflected, what they seek is expansion. Hopefully we still have time to shut them down.”

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