
Arrest Warrant Issued for Chiapas Priest Marcelo Perez, Who Worked for Peace in the Communities

As the situation in Pantelhó becomes increasingly unclear, the State has issued a warrant for the arrest of Father Marcelo Perez Perez, who has long accompanied the communities in their struggle against organized crime. With this development, solidarity and human rights organizations express their concern for his life and well being.

Arrest Warrant Issued for Chiapas Priest Marcelo Perez, Who Worked for Peace in the Communities READ MORE »

The mayor of Pantelhó is Impeached; Will Be Tried for Homicide

by Elio Henríquez San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chis.,  The plenary of the local Congress, acting as a procedural jury, approved the ruling to remove the jurisdiction of the municipal president of Pantelhó, Raquel Trujillo Morales, which will allow the State Attorney General’s Office to try him for homicide, the PRD mayor himself reported. Trujillo Morales said that the legislators impeached him Tuesday, but that he will defend his integrity and that of his family, and “will produce evidence of the persecution of which I am the target. First, I swear to God, I will return to my municipality with

The mayor of Pantelhó is Impeached; Will Be Tried for Homicide READ MORE »

The Mayor of Pantelhó Resigns, Accused of Links to Criminal Groups

By: Ángeles Mariscal Delia Janeth Velasco Flores, municipal president of Pantelhó, resigned her office amid protests from the population of that municipality, who accuse her and her husband, Raquel Trujillo Morales, the municipal president-elect, of co-participating in criminal groups linked to drug trafficking. Delia Janeth and the seven members of the municipal council presented their resignations at the request of the Chiapas government, official sources reported. In order to be effective, the resignation must be processed before the state Congress; this body has not received the resignation document, so she legally still occupies the position. The Chiapas Attorney General’s Office

The Mayor of Pantelhó Resigns, Accused of Links to Criminal Groups READ MORE »

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