
Statement of the Committee of United Families of Chiapas Searching for Our Disappeared Migrants, “Junax Ko’tantik”

Since 2018, Melel Xojobal has recorded 2,144 cases of disappearances in Chiapas as opposed to the 1,476 reported by the State. Of the total cases, 40% have not been located. In 2022 Chiapas was in fourth place for the disappearance of children and adolescents. In the context of International Day of Victims of Forced Disappearance, Junax Ko’tatik, the Committee of United Families of Chiapas, Searching for Our Disappeared Migrants, released the following statement.

The Dehumanization of the Immigrant and Political Warfare in the U.S.

Dehumanizing the other is a prior step to the violation of their human rights. The transformation of the immigrant experience into an abstract statistic, into a criminal act, into an excuse to manipulate or settle extraneous and extemporaneous political conflicts, are forms of this erasure of the human that entails violence. This is the current case of the migrant population, which has become a wild card in political struggles within the territory of the United States.

206 Migrants Found Abandoned in Trailer and Forced to Ingest Substances

While abandoned trailers were carrying about 100 passengers in the past, with the worsening crisis it would appear that the traffickers have now doubled the numbers, packing in over 200 migrants in inhuman conditions.
As part of our ongoing collaboration with Frayba, Schools for Chiapas is currently recruiting voluntary workers to work at a migrant center here in Chiapas. If you are interested in showing your solidarity, please visit our webpage at https://schoolsforchiapas.org/become-a-human-rights-observer/

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