Human Rights

Who Are Las Abejas de Acteal, Chiapas? Find Out About Their Beginnings and Their Struggle

As the 25th anniversary of the Acteal Massacre approaches, we share this article with you as an basic introduction to Las Abejas de Acteal, their origins and the events surrounding the massacre on December 22nd, 1997.
Not all of Las Abejas were in agreement with the agreement made with the AMLO government, which is mentioned in the article. For this reason, Frayba continues to send civil observers to Acteal. As part of Schools for Chiapas ongoing collaboration with Frayba, we are recruiting volunteers. If you would like to find out more about the work of the BriCos, or perhaps even come as a volunteer for two weeks in Acteal, please visit our website here:

Femicide as a Symptom

So many women murdered. What is going on? Where does this criminal impulse to choose the imminent femicide, whether directed at women by chance or for personal reasons, come from? We can allow ourselves to call the phenomenon an epidemic. Could it be a contagious disease?

The IGIE and the Struggle for the Truth

Eight years have passed since the disappearance of 43 students from Ayotzinapa. There has been neither truth nor justice for the parents of the 43 in that time. In the following article, La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center gives its analysis of the latest report from the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (IGIE) and the current status of the investigation.
Original version at Translated by Schools for Chiapas.

A Portrait of Resistance, Determination and Love: a Zapatista health promoter

This portrait is one among many of courage, creativity and love that persevere in the autonomous Zapatista territories today. In the face of mounting paramilitary violence, militarization, violence against women and ecological devastation at the hands of megaprojects and global climate change, her resistance is in the name of life and dignity on the planet, of improving the quality of life for her children and/or those in her community, of seeing the perpetuity of clean water, air, and soils which will nurture diversity for generations to come.
We invite you to accompany us in this journey of daily resistance, struggle and determination…

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