Human Rights

Violence and Terror in Chiapas Facilitate Dispossession of Territories Say Activists

“The reality that the system imposes on us is one of war, of genocide. In Chiapas, war is reflected in three types of violence: that which has to do with the dispute over territory by organized crime; and counterinsurgency, carried out by armed political and social organizations linked to the Mexican State that dispute the territories of those who fight for life and defend autonomy.”

Violence and Terror in Chiapas Facilitate Dispossession of Territories Say Activists READ MORE »

Discovery of 13 Graves with 17 Bodies in Chiapas Highlights Violence of Recent Years in State

Following years of denial by the AMLO administration of the reality of the situation of violence in Chiapas, there finally appears to be some admission by the state authorities that, “There was abandonment by the authorities in charge of security and justice. There was even denial of the problem, they always said that nothing was happening, that everything was fine. And today what we found, those graves, with the bodies, shows that the problem did exist and that the people are not wrong. The people said ‘we are insecure, we are afraid’. And they were not wrong.”

Despite this, nobody in Chiapas is holding their breath expecting that the situation will change for the better anytime soon.

Discovery of 13 Graves with 17 Bodies in Chiapas Highlights Violence of Recent Years in State READ MORE »

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