
Images of Impossible Bridges: I A Radish (Or an onion, depending on the case, or thing, accordingly

This little story begins in the Journey for Life, chapter Europe.  Before they left, I asked some compañeros and compañeras to send me some photos of what they saw and what drew their attention in the places they were in.

Accounts from the Journey for Life, as shared by the Captain.

Images of Impossible Bridges: I A Radish (Or an onion, depending on the case, or thing, accordingly READ MORE »


“The aim of critical thinking is not to find the truth… but to question “truths,”confront them, dismantle them and show them for what they are: the idiotic opinion of one or several idiots (of course, not forgetting gender parity -) and with many or few followers.  Critical thinking is not only a theoretical position.  It is, above all, an ethical position in the face of knowledge and reality.”

More from The Captain in the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast…

Adagios READ MORE »

Twentieth and Final Part: The Common and Non-Property

So we think, and we remember how it was before. We talked about it to our elders. We asked them if it was like this before. We ask them to tell us if there has always been darkness, death, destruction. Where did that idea of ​​the world come from? How come everything got fucked up. We think that if we know when and how the light, the good thinking, the complete knowledge of what is good and what is bad was lost, then maybe we can find it, and with that, struggle for everything to become complete, as it should be, respecting life.

Twentieth and Final Part: The Common and Non-Property READ MORE »

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