On the subject: The Storm and the Day After. Afterword. Part One. The Hypothesis (or was it the hypotenuse?)
The Captain guides us in a creative visualization of the Day After… starting from the perspective of the community assembly.
The Captain guides us in a creative visualization of the Day After… starting from the perspective of the community assembly.
A shout out from El Capitán to those who dare to differ, to feel and to fight.
There are people like this… READ MORE »
El Capitan describes how the Zapatista youth decided to celebrate the September 16th, Independence Day, and to promote ‘el común’.
A Marathon in the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast READ MORE »
“Everywhere of that whole that we call “Planet Earth”, nature warns, alerts, tells us that something bad can happen.”
A Tale by the Captain.
A Tale. The T’í Bird READ MORE »
More insights gleaned from the Tour for Life, a letter received from remote Colombia, and common conclusions for the struggle.
From El Capitán.
Images of Impossible Bridges: III A Letter READ MORE »