
The EZLN and Elections in Mexico

Compañerxs from solidarity collectives in the other Spain share an instructive history of the EZLN’s position on elections throughout its 30 year resistance.

““We tell them clearly: When the day comes that you have to vote, vote for the one you want. We do not tell them not to vote. What we tell them is that the solution is not up there. Up there are the political parties and we have seen them again and again, that there is no solution. What we have to do is to organize ourselves as peoples.”

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Talks at Sendas

As part of our outreach program and in collaboration with Sendas, Schools for Chiapas coordinates talks twice a week here in san Cristóbal The talks cover a wide range of topics and encourage active participation from the attendees. Here is a account from one of the participants, Isalia from the US.

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