
Frayba recognizes the work of the Civil Observation Brigades in Chiapas

Bishop Raúl Vera expressed that “the work carried out from the Brico project is an inherent part of the action of defense and integral promotion of human rights and of the native peoples…Today more than ever your solidarity sustains us.”

Apply to volunteer as a human rights observer here!

BriCO Volunteering in Acteal

An account from one of our BriCO volunteers of their experiences in Acteal in December, during the 26th anniversary of the massacre there.
To find out more about volunteering, please visit our website at

Joint Statement Against the Aggressions Against the Communities of Caracol 10 of E.Z.L.N.

July 28, 2022 To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) To the National Indigenous Congress To the National and International Sexta To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion To those who sign the Declaration for Life To the people who sow Dignity and Organization Organizations, collectives and networks adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle denounce the persistence of aggressions, harassment and forced displacements with the complicity and impunity of all three levels of government towards the autonomous communities of; El Esfuerzo, Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipality Comandanta Ramona; Nuevo San Gregorio, Moisés y …

Joint Statement Against the Aggressions Against the Communities of Caracol 10 of E.Z.L.N. READ MORE »

Death Threats Against National and International Observers and Obstruction of Frayba Human Rights Defense Work

Bulletin No. 22 San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, 
June 29 2022
 The negligence of the Mexican State puts at risk the life and integrity of people who are defenders and autonomous communities who defend land and territory.  Since November 2019, the Nuevo Poblado San Gregorio (Nuevo San Gregorio) community, territory recuperated in 1994 by the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional), has been constantly attacked by a group of people coming from communities surrounding the San Gregorio ejido, Ranchería San Andrés Puerto Rico, Ranchería Duraznal and Ranchería Rancho Alegre, who have dispossessed about 155 hectares belonging …

Death Threats Against National and International Observers and Obstruction of Frayba Human Rights Defense Work READ MORE »

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