
EZLN, 29 Years of Persistence

Hermann Bellinhausen honors 29 years of Zapatista autonomy, and the indigenous organization that has resisted and continued building during as many years of constant siege. Viva el EZLN!

From Ricardo Flores Magón to Julian Assange (I)

At the age of 27, after dabbling in journalism in El Demócrata as proofreader, and another imprisonment, along with his brother Jesús and Antonio Horcasitas, Ricardo Flores Magón founded Regeneración on August 7, 1900, a publication considered a precursor project of the Mexican Revolution, as well as a reference for the working class of the time in Mexico, USA and Europe, and an emblem of anarchism and Mexican socialism at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the Face of Increasing Gender Violence in Chiapas, Women and Girls March on the Occasion of November 25th

Estefanía Martínez Matías was 22 years old, studying nursing and working in a clothing store in Tuxtla Gutiérrez to pay for her studies. Her lifeless body was found last November 5 on the side of a highway in the south of the capital of Chiapas, after a mobilization convened by her family and friends in front of the government palace. Six days earlier, the young woman had left her house to go to a party from which she didn’t  return.

Malverde in Chamula

In the back seat of a luxury van, an African lion looks out the right window at the streets of San Juan Chamula. The driver of the vehicle listens to El Comando Suicida del Mayo, and shows the list of narcocorridos waiting to be played. The scene, which seems to be taken from a TV drama, is real. It is part of the emerging culture in this Tsotsil municipality, along with indigenous homemade pornography and the songs of Los Cárteles de San Juan…

The Roundabout Remains

They are murdering us for the simple fact of having feminized bodies, but in the face of this we have left behind our fear, and we are not going to stop going out into the streets, we are not going to stop naming them, we are not going to stop going out carrying the memory, because what we have is life. We have the life that was taken away from them, at the moment that we are determined to go out and name them. Because memory, when it is collective, is only then memory.

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