
Celebrations for the 30th Anniversary of the Zapatista Uprising Commence

The first buses leave Mexico City for Chiapas and hundreds of sympathizers are arriving in San Cristobal de Las Casas to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising and the War against Oblivion. The cultural center of which we are part of, Sendas, has become a buzzing meeting point for the participants in the celebrations.

Caravan of Seven Thousand Migrants

In the season when we commemorate the birth of a child to a displaced family, thousands of parents find themselves in the same plight today in their search for a better life. Schools for Chiapas is currently recruiting volunteers to work at a migrant center in Salto de Agua. Please visit our website for further information https://schoolsforchiapas.org/become-a-human-rights-observer/


The Zapatista communities and the EZLN invite all persons, groups, collectives, associations, organizations and movements that have signed the so-called Declaration for Life, the originary peoples agreed upon in the National Indigenous Congress, the Sexta Mundial, non-governmental organizations that defend human rights and, especially, those whose destiny lies in artistic creation, to the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the war against oblivion.

Twentieth and Final Part: The Common and Non-Property

So we think, and we remember how it was before. We talked about it to our elders. We asked them if it was like this before. We ask them to tell us if there has always been darkness, death, destruction. Where did that idea of ​​the world come from? How come everything got fucked up. We think that if we know when and how the light, the good thinking, the complete knowledge of what is good and what is bad was lost, then maybe we can find it, and with that, struggle for everything to become complete, as it should be, respecting life.

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