
Data on Violence against Zapatista Communities

Since the uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) on January 1, 1994, thousands of hectares of land usurped by landowners were recovered by their legitimate owners: the original peoples. From there, the 1994 War began, and has continued with a counterinsurgency strategy, designed and implemented in an integral manner through different ways in order to wear down and disarticulate the Zapatista families, communities and peoples. The government of AMLO and the “Fourth Transformation” continues the counterinsurgency model; human rights continue to be violated, using a supposed electoral legitimacy to do the same criminal work of the previous governments of the PRI, PAN and PRD, thus dispossessing the land and common goods to convert them into merchandise.

Data on Violence against Zapatista Communities READ MORE »

Militarization Increases Violence and Perpetuates Violations of Human Rights and Territories of the Peoples – Frayba

Despite election promises to remove the Armed Forces from the streets and from roles in public security and the fight against organized crime, this term of office of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has witnessed continued militarization. In his ongoing love affair with the military, AMLO has given control of railways, ports and airports to the Armed Forces.

Militarization Increases Violence and Perpetuates Violations of Human Rights and Territories of the Peoples – Frayba READ MORE »

Journey for Life, “Pathways” to New Encounters

This week sees the opening of a new cultural center in San Cristobal de Las Casas, “Sendas” (pathways). This joint venture of Schools for Chiapas and Imaginarte seeks to offer a space to share information about the cultures and histories of indigenous peoples in resistance in Chiapas to promote a center for learning, exchange and arts.

As part of the inaugural process, Uruguayan author Raul Zibechi will present his latest publication “Mundos otros y pueblos en movimiento” (Other Worlds and Peoples in Movement) in Sendas on Sunday, September 11th.

Journey for Life, “Pathways” to New Encounters READ MORE »

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