
Galeano - Artist Rendition

Galeano ¡Presente! Painting in his memory – celebrating his passion!

The murdered Zapatista teacher Galeano has become an respected and honored, almost iconic, figure in the songs and stories of the Mayan peoples of Chiapas, Mexico. This spring, his memory will be reborn
in the vivid colors and powerful images of Mexican muralism. Join us in Chiapas, or below and on the left in your heart of hearts, to make this amazing project possible!

Galeano ¡Presente! Painting in his memory – celebrating his passion! READ MORE »

TEACH CHIAPAS: Autonomy and teaching about the Zapatistas

TEACH CHIAPAS features delightful stories and snappy videos, interactive timelines and colorful maps, primary source Zapatista materials and photo galleries, social media and up-to-date newsletters, plus lesson plans and classroom activities. Much of the English language content, classroom videos, photos, and lesson plans have never been available before…certainly there’s never been an English language resource like TEACH CHIAPAS.

TEACH CHIAPAS: Autonomy and teaching about the Zapatistas READ MORE »

What is Zapatista Autonomy?

Autonomy is a word readers and researchers on the Schools for Chiapas website will come across often. It is a key concept of Zapatismo: One will come across autonomous zones, autonomous municipalities, autonomous communities, autonomous education, autonomous health…even an autonomous ambulance! The Zapatista project is defined by the demand for autonomy and it is important to have a clear understanding of the term.

What is Zapatista Autonomy? READ MORE »

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