As a result decades of working alongside the communities in resistance, we know that our well-being is intimately and inextricably tied to that of the planet. Feeding the soils, safeguarding water sources, and supporting diversity are essential acts of reciprocity and our own survival. Between 2015 and 2019, we worked with Zapatista Education Promoters in an initiative to support the establishment of food forests, or bosques comestibles. During that time, we built a small nursery in San Cristóbal and began to compile a list of important edible and medicinal plants to supply the food forest project. These were plants that could be incorporated into school gardens or school gardens, or into a more comprehensive multi-story forest of foods. Food sovereignty and autonomy go hand-in-hand. From relief from fever to nutritious animal forage, the answer is in your back yard!
This focus in diversification of agricultural ecosystems and diets was a staple of our work for several years. Today it remains an important touchstone for our continued work in autonomous community health systems. As an aspect of our own research, we compiled a plant wiki of the species that we were working with –Wikiplanta. It is a work in progress, with much to be gleaned from local experience in different ecosystems. However it is a start! We welcome you to peruse these highly useful medicinal and edible plants … as we look forward to adding to the information therein.