Indigenous Peoples and the Other Pandemic
Magdalena Gómez analyzes the other pandemic wreaking havoc on the lives of indigenous people throughout Mexico.
Indigenous Peoples and the Other Pandemic READ MORE »
Magdalena Gómez analyzes the other pandemic wreaking havoc on the lives of indigenous people throughout Mexico.
Indigenous Peoples and the Other Pandemic READ MORE »
Guarantee life, the integrity of the Bases of support and respect for Zapatista autonomy The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Center for Human Rights, A.C. (Frayba), has received information from the Junta de Buen Gobierno Patria Nueva, Caracol 10 “Floreciendo la semilla rebelde” Flourishing the Rebel Seed, based in the official municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico, in which they report that since January 18, 2021, until today, members of the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO) have attacked the community of Moisés Gandía with gunfire. On January 18, 2021, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., members of ORCAO
New Armed Attacks of ORCAO Against the community of Moisés Gandhi READ MORE »
Communiqué denouncing aggressions agains the communities of Moisés Gandhi and Nuevo San Gregorio.
Solidarity Caravan January 2021 READ MORE »
It was 27 years ago today when a ragtag army of poorly-armed Mayan peasants — wearing their signature red masks and giving land to those who needed it — first shouted the famous Zapatista slogan of “YA BASTA – Enough is enough!
All donations to support the struggle will be doubled untill the 6th!
¡Ya Basta! January 1st, 2021 READ MORE »
Following many months of intimidation and attacks in the Zapatista communities of Nuevo San Gregorio and Moisés Gandhi, a solidarity caravan, and later human rights delegation have visited the autonomous region to deliver aid, bear witness and denounce these terrorist acts to the world. Also the video short from the caravan here.
Of Violence and Government Inaction READ MORE »