
The Trauma of a Young Tseltal Woman Imprisoned without Evidence for the Murder of the Man who Raped Her

¨¨Juanita was born in San Juan Cancuc, a small municipality in the mountainous region of the Chiapas Highlands, mostly populated by members of the same ethnic group as hers, the Tseltals. Her story is by no means unique. She follows the patterns of an rugged reality that repeats itself. A systematic dynamic that “criminalizes and makes invisible” indigenous women and results in “concealment by the justice system of the feminicidal sexual assaults of which they are victims,” in the words of Colectiva Cereza, a human rights organization defense that offers “legal and psychosocial accompaniment” to imprisoned women.¨

The Trauma of a Young Tseltal Woman Imprisoned without Evidence for the Murder of the Man who Raped Her READ MORE »

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