Internal Colonialism and Autonomy

Raúl Romero
Recovering critical and dialectical thinking in light of the great theories, and always listening to the voice and actions of the peoples, brings us to imagine and create alternatives to the relations of exploitation and domination that we face under this system. The struggle for emancipation is happening at all levels — local, national, regional and global. From this complexity of interrelations, we must assume that there are several ways out.

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Chimalapas, Chima Triumph

by Luis Hernández Navarro
The real driving force behind the the territorial boundary dispute between Oaxaca and Chiapas in the Chimalapas jungle is the conflict between the Zoque community members (los Chimas) who defend their lands and natural resources, and the Chipanecan loggers, cattlemen, politicians and narcotraffickers, who plunder and attack the indigenous communities.

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