- The health of Jorge López Sántiz, Zapatista Support Base, continues to be at risk.
From June 19 to 22, 2023, members of the Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (Orcao), carried out a series of attacks that put three Zapatista communities at risk: Emiliano Zapata, San Isidro and Moises and Gandhi, which are part of the Moises and Gandhi Region and are located in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas. The attacks range from the burning of plots of land to armed attacks that at the time of the publication of this Urgent Action, have not stopped.
Since June 19 at approximately 14:00 hours, the armed group fired from San Felipe and San Antonio Las Flores, counting at least 67 detonations of high caliber firearms and 13 of low caliber firearms, in addition to the burning of the plots of land where the families Bases of Support of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) work.
On June 21, 2023, the ORCAO attacks began at 12:50 p.m., by 6:50 p.m. they had fired at least 716 shots of different calibers, simultaneously attacking the Zapatista communities of Emiliano Zapata, San Isidro and Moisés and Gandhi; in the latter they set fire to the plot attached to the Autonomous Secondary School, which is located just 50 meters from the houses of the Zapatista families.
As of the date of this Urgent Action – June 22 – 25 high caliber and 20 low caliber shots have been fired, with information documented by the Good Government Council New Dawn in Resistance and Rebellion for Life and Humanity, Caracol 10, Flourishing the Rebel Seed, with headquarters in Patria Nueva, (official municipality of Ocosingo), Chiapas.
Today marks the one month anniversary of the attack in which Support Base Jorge López Sántiz was wounded. He is still in a delicate state of health and needs specialized management to continue his recovery process.
Regarding the health condition of the Zapatista Support Base, Jorge López Sántiz, he left the Gómez Maza Hospital on June 5, 2023, after 10 days in intensive care and 4 days of hospitalization. Upon discharge he still has an infection that was not noticed by the medical staff, as well as an open wound. The sequelae are serious, as the functioning of his intestine was affected. The recovery process is slow, as the complications derived from the surgery require specialized care for adequate healing, as well as antibiotic and analgesic medication.
From the National Network of Civil Human Rights Organizations “All Rights for All” we will continue documenting the aggressions against communities that exercise their rights to autonomy and self-determination as native peoples, and pointing out the complicity of the Mexican State.

In light of these facts, we urgently demand:
- The guarantee in this emergency situation of the life, security and physical and psychological well-being of the Support Base families of the Moisés and Gandhí Region.
- The comprehensive and quality medical attention of Jorge López Sántiz, in order to safeguard his life and physical and psychological well-being.
- Investigation and determination of responsibility for the criminal act of attempted homicide and armed attacks perpetrated against the inhabitants of the communities that make up the Moisés and Gandhi Region.
- Immediate cessation of armed attacks against the Support Bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.
On May 23, 2023 we presented Urgent Action 009, where we asked the authorities for their immediate attention and a halt to the violence directed against the Zapatista autonomous communities.
In May 2022 we issued Urgent Action 002-2022 documenting various acts of violence in the community, as well as the increase in armed attacks, theft of crops, destruction of property and forced displacement, based on the testimonies of the inhabitants of the region.
Please sign the Urgent Action here! (Yes, anyone can sign it.)
We request that you send your urgent appeals to:
Lic. Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Constitutional President of Mexico
Official Residence of Los Pinos. Miguel Alemán House. Col. San Miguel
Chapultepec, C.P. 11850 Mexico City.
Fax: (+52) 55 5093 4901. Twitter: @lopezobrador_
Luisa María Alcalde
Secretary of the Interior of Mexico
Bucareli 99, 1st. floor. Col. Juárez. Delegación Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600 Mexico City.
email: secretario@segob.gob.mx
Alejandro Gertz Manero
Attorney General of the Republic
Avenida Insurgentes, Number 20 de la Glorieta de Insurgentes, Col. Roma Norte, Mexico City. C.P. 06700
Twitter: @FGRMexico
Email: ofproc@pgr.gob.mx
Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez
Undersecretary for Human Rights, Migration and Population
Twitter: @A_Encinas_R
Rosario Piedra Ibarra
President of the National Human Rights Commission
Edificio “Héctor Fix Zamudio”, Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 1922, 6°piso. Col. Tlacopac San Ángel. Delegación Álvaro Obregón. C.P. 01040; Mexico City.
Fax: (+52) 0155 36 68 07 67. Twitter: @CNDH
Email: presidencia.cndh@cndh.org.mx
Mr. Rutilio Escandón Cadenas
Constitutional Governor of the State of Chiapas
Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 1st Floor Av. Central y Primera Oriente,
Colonia Centro, C.P. 29009. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico
Fax: +52 961 61 88088 – + 52 961 6188056; Extension 21120. 21122;
Twitter: @JuntoscnRutilio
Email: secparticular@chiapas.gob.mx
Victoria Cecilia Flores Perez
Secretary General of Government in Chiapas
Palacio De Gobierno, 2o. Piso, Centro C.P. 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.
Switchboard: (961) 61 8 74 60 Ext. 20003
email: secretariaparticular.sgg@gmail.com
Mr. Olaf Gomez Hernandez
Attorney General of the State of Chiapas
Libramiento Norte y Rosa del Oriente number 2010 colonia El Bosque, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, C.P. 29049
Switchboard: (961) 61-72-300, Ext. 17258
Twitter: @FGEChiapas
e-mail: staff_secretarial@fge.chiapas.gob.mx
Mr. Juan José Zepeda Bermúdez
President of the State Human Rights Commission
Phone: 01 (967) 67 465 94 Fax: 01 (967) 67 465 94
Fax: (961) 60 2 57 84 Email: presidencia@cedh-chiapas.org