With burning candles, a group of Israelis said that there are worldwide protests against the war
A group of Israelis spoke out against the war between Israel-Hamas where thousands of people have died since the conflict began in that country (sic), and after more than eight days of conflict in which thousands of Jews have been evacuated, so in San Cristobal de las Casas, men and women from that country demonstrated on the steps of the square in the Guadalupe neighborhood.
With burning candles, the group of Israelis said that there are demonstrations against the war all over the world and that as visitors to this colonial city they took to the streets to demand an end to the war and that thousands of people have died because of the bombings and unfortunately innocent people have lost their lives.
One of them spoke a little in Spanish condemning these events that are taking place in that country (sic), but they demand that the war stop as men, women and children are dying, and that they have nothing to do with this war that has caused fear about the country and call on the Hamas terrorist group to release the men, women and children who have been kidnapped for more than eight days, because they are totally innocent of everything that is happening in the Middle East.
Finally, they said that they will set up shop every night if possible to ask for peace in Israel, and that the other countries that are supporting Israel should not send more soldiers because it would generate more innocent deaths, which is why they ask from this colonial city to make a chain of prayers in any church in the world for peace to return to Israel.
Original article by Gilberto Morales at https://www.elheraldodechiapas.com.mx/local/municipios/israelies-piden-un-alto-a-la-guerra-en-el-medio-oriente-desde-san-cristobal-10858676.html