Freedom for Compa José Díaz (BAEZLN)!! Urgent call to action!

Help us send emails ASAP by Wednesday PM to demand the immediate release of José Díaz!

Compañeras, compañeros y compañerxs, we write to you today with an URGENT REQUEST from Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center, to join in a timely email campaign to demand the release of José Díaz.

Unjustly detained for a year and 7 months, José Díaz, Zapatista support base has been held hostage by the state in inhumane conditions, with regular delays to his hearings and without access to a translator. You can read the most recent newsletter from Frayba below.

The Struggles for the Future

Throughout Mexico, under the administration of the 4T, the struggles for life and territory have been met with negligence, repression, and violence.
Raúl Romero highlights a few of too many examples.

Supporting Peace in Chiapas. Stories from La Realidad and Acteal of Brigade Volunteers

An account of the work of the Civil Observer Brigades in Chiapas.
”With 29 years behind them, the Civil Observation Brigades (BriCOs), organized by the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Center for Human Rights (FrayBa), play a fundamental role in stopping the military and paramilitary violence imposed by the State in the territory. With this initiative, since 1995, thousands of people from all over the world – mainly from Europe – have participated in this mechanism to counterbalance the violence exercised against people; the brigade members break the siege of misinformation, document first-hand and deter attacks.”

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