
Add your Name: Condemn violence against educators
National Education Association and President Lily Eskelsen García are submitting a letter to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, demanding an end to violence against educators and the oppression in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Please add your name by clicking here to call for the end to this violence, and for peaceful negotiation with educators
Dear President Peña Nieto,
We, the undersigned members of the Education International affiliates in North America/Caribbean region and our allies, strongly condemn the extreme violence against educators and their supporters which resulted in eight deaths on June 19 in Oaxaca, Mexico. We mourn the loss of life and demand an end to the repression in Oaxaca.
All people deserve the full exercise of their human rights, including freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and freedom of expression. The people of Mexico not only have the right to protest the corporate-driven education reforms that have been instituted, they should protest these reforms. In the US and elsewhere, some of these same reforms have been tried and they have failed at the expense of students. The legitimate demands of educators and their supporters in Oaxaca should be met with negotiation, not repression and violence.
We urge you to ensure that justice in Oaxaca is your top priority as this investigation proceeds.
- Please put a stop to the use of excessive force against demonstrators,
- Immediately release all educators and their supporters who have been arrested in an arbitrary and illegal way, and
- Establish a meaningful dialogue with the educators of Oaxaca regarding education reform.
We await progress and justice in this case.