Please sign urgent action on the Fray Bartolomé Human Right Center here.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México,
November 4th, 2021.
Urgent Action No. 10
Forced displacement of more than 3,000 people.
- 47 armed attacks on 10 communities in the municipality of Aldama.
- Unstoppable aggressions by the armed group acting from Santa Martha, municipality of Chenalhó.
- Consistent absence and complicity of the Mexican government to address the situation of armed violence.
The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) expresses its concern for the unstoppable armed violence and the constant helplessness that 10 communities in the municipality of Aldama, Chiapas live daily in this torturing environment.
According to information provided by the representatives of the displaced people of the municipality of Aldama since 5.04 hrs. on November 1, 2021 the armed attacks began, at the close of this urgent action we have registered 47 attacks with high caliber weapons, which have caused the forced displacement of approximately 3000 people, putting them at high risk to the life, integrity and personal safety of women, girls, boys, elderly people of the communities of Aldama.
The aggressions are carried out by a group of armed individuals who operate from Santa Martha, Chenalhó. The armed attacks have not stopped and the inhabitants are under siege. The 3,000 displaced people belong to the communities of Chayomte, Juxton, Stzelejpotobtik, Chivit, Yeton, San Pedro Cotzilnam, Tabac, Coco and part of Xuxchen who have abandoned their homes, fleeing to the mountains to take refuge.
Frayba declares its concern for the escalation of violence towards the communities of Aldama. For the last 5 years there have been permanent human rights violations in this territory of Los Altos de Chiapas, all of this under the tolerance and complicity of the Mexican government. That is why we forcefully demand a halt to the violence, and an end to the simulation of the federal and state governments to address this horror that the Mayan Tsotsil people of Aldama and Santa Martha live daily.
We ask national and international solidarity to send their expressions of condemnation of this grave situation of violence in Chiapas:
– Lic. Andrés Manuel López Obrador. President of Mexico.
Palacio Nacional-Plaza de la Constitución s/n. – 2° Piso. Col. Centro. Delegación Cuauhtémoc. Cd. de México CP: 06066.
Fax. (+52) 55 5093-4800, 55 5093-5300 Exts. 4103/4882.800-080-1127
Atención Ciudadana.
Correo: y
Twitter: @lopezobrador_
– Lic. Adan Augusto López Hernández. Secretary of the Interior
Bucareli 99, Edificio Cobian. 1er. piso. Col. Juárez. Delegación Cuauhtémoc. Ciudad de México. C.P.06600. Fax: (+52) 55 5093 34 14. Correo:
– Lic. Alejandro de Jesús Encinas Rodríguez. Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration.
Bucareli 99, Edificio Cobian. 1er. piso. Col. Juárez. Delegación Cuauhtémoc. C.P. 06600. Ciudad de México. Fax: (+52) 55 5128-0000 Ext. 33077
Correo: y
Twiter: @A_Encinas_R
– Lic. Rosario Piedra Ibarra. President of the National Commission on Human Rights.
Edificio “Héctor Fix Zamudio”, Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos 1922, 6°piso. Col. Tlacopac San Ángel.Delegación Álvaro Obregón. Ciudad de México. C.P. 01040. Fax: (+52) 0155 36 68 07 67.
Twitter: @CNDH.
– Lic. Rutilio Escandón Cadenas. Governor of the State of Chiapas.
Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 1er Piso Av. Central y Primera Oriente, Colonia Centro, C.P.29009. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México. Fax: +52 961 61 88088, + 52 961 6188056; Extensión 21120. 21122.
Twitter: @RutilioEscandon
– Lic. Victoria Cecilia Flores Pérez. General Secretary of the Interior of Chiapas.
Palacio De Gobierno, 2o. Piso, Centro C.P. 29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Conmutador: (961) 61 8 7460 Ext. 20003.
– Lic. Juan José Zepeda Bermúdez. President of the State Commission on Human Rights.
Avenida 1 Sur Oriente S/N, Edificio Plaza, 3er y 4to piso, Barrio San Roque C.P. 29000 TuxtlaGutiérrez,Chiapas. Conmutador: (961) 602 89 80; 961-60289-81 Ext. 206; Lada sin costo 01800-55-282-42Fax:(961) 60 2 57 84.
We ask you to sign the Urgent Action on this page here.
This urgent action was published on November 4th, 2021 by Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Center for Human Rights. English translation by Schools for Chiapas.