Guerrero: Tlachinollan Presents Report “43: The Shipwreck for the Truth”
@ Tlachinollan
On February 21st, La Montaña Tlachinollan Human Rights Center presented its XXVIII report entitled “43: The Shipwreck for the Truth”, referring to the case of the forced disappearance of 43 students from the Normal Rural School of Ayotzinapa in Iguala in September 2014.
Faced with the most emblematic case of the human rights crisis in Guerrero, the director of Tlachinollan, Abel Barrera, explained: “Unfortunately there is a shipwreck for the truth. There has been a turnaround in recent months. Despite the report by Undersecretary Alejandro Encinas stating that the disappearance of the 43 students is a State crime, however, the political will of the authorities, the commitment of the Attorney General of the Republic to deepen the investigations and of the elites of the Mexican Army are needed to be able to provide all the information related to the disappearance of the 43. We see that there has been reluctance, there are already reports from the undersecretariat for human rights and from the IGIE that give more elements of responsibility pointing to the army as the alleged perpetrator of the disappearance of the students. However, the doors are still closed, the files, without being able to access the information. That is why we are looking at this shipwreck for the truth.”
In turn, the lawyer for the parents of the 43 disappeared student teachers, Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, stressed that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador “did not keep his promise” to solve this case “no matter who he came up against.” He denounced that “today instead we are spied on by federal forces.”
Although “the central theme of this book is forced disappearances in Guerrero, those of the past and the current ones”, the report addresses other issues. Violence in the first place when “we see an expansion of organized crime groups and a weakening of security institutions, not to say a retreat, which prevents the population from being guaranteed security. In the seven regions of the state there are more than 22 organized crime groups that are usurping power in territorial and physical terms in the municipalities, where the authorities have given them space and budget”, as well as “a political class in Guerrero distracted by other issues, away from basic demands.”
The presentation of the report was attended by the representative in Mexico of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Guillermo Fernandez Maldonado, who considered that the book represents “an exhaustive and committed X-ray of what is happening in Guerrero”: “it exposes the open wounds caused by violence, the heartbreaking impact of the actions of organized crime, the collusion between criminality and some authorities, the negative consequences of an erroneous strategy of militarizing public security, the plundering of community resources, the rapacity of some investment projects, among other sources of violence that the State is responsible for addressing as the main guarantor of human rights”, he declared.
Original article from SIPAZ at
For more information in Spanish:
43 : el naufragio por la Verdad (Informe completo, Tlachinollan, febrero de 2023)
Vídeo de la presentación del informe (Tlachinollan, 21 de febrero de 2023)
Reflexión de Abel Barrera Hernández en la presentación del informe XXVIII de Tlachinollan (Tlachinollan, 21 de febrero de 2023)
Palabras de Guillermo Fernández-Maldonado para la presentación del XXVIII Informe de Actividades de Tlachinollan (Tlachinollan, 21 de febrero de 2023)
Presentan informe 28 del Centro Tlachinollan de Guerrero (La Jornada, 21 de febrero de 2023)
Destaca la ONU la importancia de Tlachinollan durante la presentación del informe anual del organismo (El Sur, 21 de febrero de 2023)
For more information from SIPAZ:
Guerrero: Ayotzinapa: 8 años sin verdad ni justicia (30 de septiembre de 2022)
Guerrero : Absuelven al ex alcalde de Iguala, señalado como responsable en el caso de Ayotzinapa (15 de septiembre de 2022)
Guerrero/Nacional: AMLO se reúne con familiares de los 43 de Ayotzinapa (19 de agosto de 2022)