Zapatista uprising

The Return of the Old Mole

Revolution is the old mole that digs deep into the soil of history and sometimes rears its head, said Karl Marx. As happened between 1983 and 1994, many of the transformations that the rebels have driven from below go unnoticed today. Sooner or later, that old mole will surface.

On Risings and Awakenings in Chiapas, Mexico

Blogging for Chiapas gives voice to participants and supporters of Schools for Chiapas working to describe for you the smells and sights and sounds and feels of Zapatista education. Here we share the sounds of Zapatista schools where education promoters reject the name of “teacher” and students teach as they grow strong. We will continue sing unexpected songs from schooling on rocky, hand cultivated corn fields and we will try to capture the feel of scientific studies carried out in tiny rural health clinics.

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