Zapatista Tour

Zapatismo Today and the Anticapitalist Struggle

Magdalena Gómez points to the historical precedents of the Zapatista tour in their previous initiatives, their catalyzing forces and effects. What impact, then, might the maritime delegation have in their voyage to visit old acquaintances?

The Mountain and the Night Sky of the Lacandon

Since the beginning of calendar of the insurrection, the image of the boat has been a central part of the metaphors in the Zapatista narrative. It is a curious irony that a political-military force territorially nestled in the jungles and mountains of Chiapas, hundreds of kilometers from the sea, resorts to the boat as a symbol of its emancipatory project.

From the Lacandon to the World

Luís Hernandez Navarro describes the true scope of the Zapatisa maritime delegations meeting with the outlaws and insubordinates of the European continent. For, “there is among them, albeit incipient, a jointly-created global destiny.”

A Tour from Below and on the Left

Raul Zibechi reminds us that the #GiraZapatista has long-standing precedent in Zapatista history. It’s time to connect our resistances globally through a politics from below and on the left.

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