
Postcards from the War. Part II

The war in Mexico finds a fundamental point in Chiapas. There a struggle is already being waged in which the peoples are betting on life with peace, justice and dignity. Zapatismo is an outpost of that struggle, that is why we must all demand a stop to the war against the Zapatista peoples, which is at the same time the cry for a stop to the war in Chiapas and in all of Mexico.

The Military Bases of U.S. imperialism

“For those who consider the terms imperialism and colonialism to be outmoded, demodé, and prefer to use euphemisms such as neoliberal globalization or new world order….” we recommend you take a look at this resource shared by Gilberto López y Rivas. Tell your friends.

Food Dependency in Times of War

The turbulence in the agricultural markets, provoked by Russia’s war in Ukraine has already led to a sharp increase in prices of cereals and oilseed that impacts all countries, but in the case of those like Mexico, who are heavily dependent on imports, it can jeopardize their capacity to feed their populations.

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