

Racism, discrimination, xenophobia, patriarchy and elitism are forms of domination that intermingle with others in the capitalist system of exploitation and make it so that non-hegemonic ways of life are excluded, persecuted, and exterminated. Eradicating this contempt for the other, all others, and all that is different, is an urgent task to resolve.

Racism READ MORE »

Letter from the Sixth Zapatista Commission to the Collective “Llegó la Hora de Los Pueblos.”

The obstacles of the supreme government and its ignorant, foolish and racist bureaucracy are outrageous. You might think that it is only bureaucracy, that you have the bad luck to run into someone who thinks he has power because he is behind a window, a desk, an office. But no, it is also something else, and it could be synthesized as follows: racism

Letter from the Sixth Zapatista Commission to the Collective “Llegó la Hora de Los Pueblos.” READ MORE »

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