Organized Crime

Postcards from the War. Part II

The war in Mexico finds a fundamental point in Chiapas. There a struggle is already being waged in which the peoples are betting on life with peace, justice and dignity. Zapatismo is an outpost of that struggle, that is why we must all demand a stop to the war against the Zapatista peoples, which is at the same time the cry for a stop to the war in Chiapas and in all of Mexico.

Postcards from the War. Part II READ MORE »

Organized Crime Shows Social Muscle among Poorest Classes Months before Elections

‘But one only had to look at the rough sandals and dusty feet, the faces wrinkled by the sun, the broken teeth of many of the peasants who came with their bamboo clubs to the capital of Guerrero. Poverty is far from extinct. And what’s more, the leaders of the demonstration camouflaged their demands, which the government summed up in the release of two detained gangsters, with a list of social improvements in their communities: sewage drainage, asphalt streets, educational improvements and security on the roads. No one has any doubt that this is also necessary. But the absence of the State has been giving way to drug trafficking, little by little, election after election.”

Organized Crime Shows Social Muscle among Poorest Classes Months before Elections READ MORE »

The deceptive videos of human traffickers who promote themselves on social networks as travel agencies to enter the US.

As a cartel war wages in Chiapas, largely for the control of migrant routes, the criminal organizations openly offer their services in human trafficking using social media platforms, presenting themselves as benevolent travel agencies. The trend has worsened since the end of Title 42 and is expected to increase as elections approach in the US.

The deceptive videos of human traffickers who promote themselves on social networks as travel agencies to enter the US. READ MORE »

Chiapas, A Disaster

An analysis by Gilberto López y Rivas in La Jornada of the recent Frayba report, ‘‘Chiapas, A Disaster’’. The report (in Spanish) can be found in our library at Sendas in San Cristobal de Las Casas or our library here.

Chiapas, A Disaster READ MORE »

Group Accused of Links to Crime Attempts to Take Back Pantelhó, Chiapas

Last week, Pantelhó was shuttered as organized crime group returned to the municipal seat claiming its motives of “protecting” the population from Los Machetes, a local self-defense group that emerged two years ago.

Fearing an onslaught of violence, residents gather en masse to demand that government authorities intervene to protect them.

Group Accused of Links to Crime Attempts to Take Back Pantelhó, Chiapas READ MORE »

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