National Guard

Militarization Increases Violence and Perpetuates Violations of Human Rights and Territories of the Peoples – Frayba

Despite election promises to remove the Armed Forces from the streets and from roles in public security and the fight against organized crime, this term of office of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has witnessed continued militarization. In his ongoing love affair with the military, AMLO has given control of railways, ports and airports to the Armed Forces.

Militarization Increases Violence and Perpetuates Violations of Human Rights and Territories of the Peoples – Frayba READ MORE »

Militarized Security

by Raúl Romero

The crisis of violence in Mexico is in part a consequence of the neoliberal model which, among other things, has been accompanied by the militarization of security and societies. That is why the battle for demilitarization is fundamental if we are truly against this model, and if we wish to chart a different course.

Militarized Security READ MORE »

Our Mandate is to Build Alternatives for Life

I leave with a mission accomplished, in the sense that we had to be part of a process, and that we faced this time with the lessons learned by the people in their journey. I would say that it is a mission accomplished, although with many pending issues. I will continue in the trenches of both the defense of human rights and poetry and the construction of what will allow us to change this system. –Pedro Faro Navarro

Our Mandate is to Build Alternatives for Life READ MORE »

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