
Three Decades of Las Abejas; 25 Years After the Massacre in Acteal

December 21 and 22 will mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of the civil organization Las Abejas and 25 years since the massacre in Acteal. For this reason it is worthwhile to remember a bit about both events, and to highlight the tireless and peaceful struggle they have led for the vindication and respect of indigenous rights.

The Massacre of Viejo Velasco

On this 16th anniversary of the unpunished massacre of Viejo Velasco, the XINICH organization remembers and commemorates the compañeros and compañeras who were assassinated in this massacre, reiterating that they are alive in our memory and in the collective memory of the peoples who resist and struggle; it is they who push us every day to continue fighting for autonomy, for the defense of territory, for our Mother Earth and for an Other Justice.

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