
The Zapatista Future, Building Another World for (at least) 120 Years From Now

A third installment by Lola Sepúlveda gives us a brief history of the movement from the referendum on candidate Marichuy through the Journey for Life in the Other Europe, to the proposal of ‘El Común’ at the 30th Anniversary.
This sketch looks at a movement whose eyes are not looking 5 years from now, but 7 generations into the future.

The Zapatista Future, Building Another World for (at least) 120 Years From Now READ MORE »

The EZLN and Elections in Mexico

Compañerxs from solidarity collectives in the other Spain share an instructive history of the EZLN’s position on elections throughout its 30 year resistance.

““We tell them clearly: When the day comes that you have to vote, vote for the one you want. We do not tell them not to vote. What we tell them is that the solution is not up there. Up there are the political parties and we have seen them again and again, that there is no solution. What we have to do is to organize ourselves as peoples.”

The EZLN and Elections in Mexico READ MORE »

531 Years of Indigenous, Black and Popular Resistance

531 years after the arrival of Europeans to the island lands of this continent, which would happen to bear the name of America, the organizations of native peoples took to the streets to express their repudiation of the euphemisms of discovery, encounter of two worlds and acculturation to denote the violent process of conquest and colonization, which the National Indigenous Congress describes as the worst genocide in the history of mankind.

531 Years of Indigenous, Black and Popular Resistance READ MORE »


Racism, discrimination, xenophobia, patriarchy and elitism are forms of domination that intermingle with others in the capitalist system of exploitation and make it so that non-hegemonic ways of life are excluded, persecuted, and exterminated. Eradicating this contempt for the other, all others, and all that is different, is an urgent task to resolve.

Racism READ MORE »

Marichuy to Mother Seeds: Sowing Seeds for Life

From the mountains of southeast Mexico to the Europe(s) below and to the left, the Zapatistas intend not only to carry the seeds of their stories, but to return home with new ones. In the spirit of the brave EZLN delegation and the seeds that they sow, this is an account of the seeds being sown in Chiapas — seeds of biodiversity, seeds of knowledge, seeds of food sovereignty, and seeds of solidarity.

Marichuy to Mother Seeds: Sowing Seeds for Life READ MORE »

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