Critical Internationalism and the Struggles for Life

We flag this as an important work, albeit only available in Spanish…for now. It is available for free (Link in article.)

Gilberto López y Rivas shares this new anthology of writing. collective work has chapters by 19 authors in solidarity with the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), and which are situated in “diverse territories, struggles and processes linked to the critical thinking necessary to face the global challenges of our time,” covering in its almost 600 pages, four thematic axes that interconnect and complement each other: 1) internationalism in the 21st century to transversalize struggles; 2) the importance of women in revolutionary processes; 3) another art, another culture and other means of communication, and 4) alternatives in the face of the global crisis, preceded by an introduction that announces songs of hope and realizable utopias.

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