Journey for Life

A Journey for Life – Ireland

The Zapatistas announced their plan to begin a Journey for Life across the globe in autumn 2020. Despite what seemed like insurmountable bureaucratic and logistical obstacles, the first episode of the plan came to fruition with a journey to Europe, Slumil K’axkemk’op, in 2021. As part of that journey, they visited Ireland in October of that year. In this article, Andrea Martinez gives her impressions of that visit. Andrea, a PhD graduate in philosophy and political activist, is a Mexican national living in Dublin where she works as a teacher and researcher.

Squadron 421, Welcome!

Thanks to Red Universitaria Anticapitalista, La Comuna, and Cotric for the beautiful documentation of the historic return of beloved Squadron 421.

The Tour as a Challenge to the Rebel Imaginary

by Raúl Zibechi Critical thinking and rebellious and revolutionary practices were contaminated by military logic, to the point of molding them into the spirit of war, which was accelerated with the revolutions of the 20th century. The concepts of tactics and strategy, of offensive and defensive, among others began to occupy a central place in critical thinking. The social struggles came to be considered a part of a military device, to the point that a simple strike was defined by the Red Trade Union International as strike combat, with the workers part of a strike army, while the leaders integrated …

The Tour as a Challenge to the Rebel Imaginary READ MORE »

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