José Díaz

Freedom for Compa José Díaz (BAEZLN)!! Urgent call to action!

Help us send emails ASAP by Wednesday PM to demand the immediate release of José Díaz!

Compañeras, compañeros y compañerxs, we write to you today with an URGENT REQUEST from Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center, to join in a timely email campaign to demand the release of José Díaz.

Unjustly detained for a year and 7 months, José Díaz, Zapatista support base has been held hostage by the state in inhumane conditions, with regular delays to his hearings and without access to a translator. You can read the most recent newsletter from Frayba below.

Freedom for Compa José Díaz (BAEZLN)!! Urgent call to action! READ MORE »

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