GM Corn and Imports: Mixed Signals

In a context of rising international corn prices derived from the reduction of supplies due to the war in Ukraine, rising food prices due to inflation, stagnation of domestic corn production, which has failed to recover the 28 million tons of 2016 and a record increase in imports that reached 17.4 million tons in 2021, it does not seem that the ban on imports of transgenic corn for human use can be complied with.

GM Corn and Imports: Mixed Signals READ MORE »

Statement from the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico.

This is a statement of the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico.  This is a statement of the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico.  Therefore it is a rejection to the LFVV but also to the Agreement version 91 of the International Union of Protection of Plant Procurement (UPOV), an “agreement contrary to all legal logic, because a small group of large producers  — largely corporations — at

Statement from the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico. READ MORE »

Bayer-Monsanto Celebrates the Law to Promote Native Seed

By Silvia Ribeiro On March 24, in the midst of the crisis by Covid-19, the so-called federal law for the promotion and protection of native corn was approved with the unanimous vote of the Senate. With such a title many will have assumed that it would be a rule to stop the assault of transnational GM companies on seeds, indigenous peoples and peasant communities. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Beyond the intention of its promoters, this provision favors key interests of the companies that have wanted to advance in the country with their GM and other high-tech seeds for

Bayer-Monsanto Celebrates the Law to Promote Native Seed READ MORE »

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