Gira Zapatista


Racism, discrimination, xenophobia, patriarchy and elitism are forms of domination that intermingle with others in the capitalist system of exploitation and make it so that non-hegemonic ways of life are excluded, persecuted, and exterminated. Eradicating this contempt for the other, all others, and all that is different, is an urgent task to resolve.

Racism READ MORE »

Zapatista Community Denounces Dispossession and Harassment; Sees Hope in the Journey of Squadron 421

The community of Nuevo San Gregorio, in Zapatista Caracol 10, denounces the increasing harassment they are experiencing after being dispossessed of their lands. They focus on organizational work, and on the journey of Squadron 421 in Europe to fight off the attacks of the group “Los 40 invasores” (The 40 invaders) which since November 2020 has been depriving them of land, food, work, education…

Zapatista Community Denounces Dispossession and Harassment; Sees Hope in the Journey of Squadron 421 READ MORE »

The Tour as a Challenge to the Rebel Imaginary

by Raúl Zibechi Critical thinking and rebellious and revolutionary practices were contaminated by military logic, to the point of molding them into the spirit of war, which was accelerated with the revolutions of the 20th century. The concepts of tactics and strategy, of offensive and defensive, among others began to occupy a central place in critical thinking. The social struggles came to be considered a part of a military device, to the point that a simple strike was defined by the Red Trade Union International as strike combat, with the workers part of a strike army, while the leaders integrated

The Tour as a Challenge to the Rebel Imaginary READ MORE »

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