Gira Zapatista

A Journey for Life – Ireland

The Zapatistas announced their plan to begin a Journey for Life across the globe in autumn 2020. Despite what seemed like insurmountable bureaucratic and logistical obstacles, the first episode of the plan came to fruition with a journey to Europe, Slumil K’axkemk’op, in 2021. As part of that journey, they visited Ireland in October of that year. In this article, Andrea Martinez gives her impressions of that visit. Andrea, a PhD graduate in philosophy and political activist, is a Mexican national living in Dublin where she works as a teacher and researcher.

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Journey for Life, “Pathways” to New Encounters

This week sees the opening of a new cultural center in San Cristobal de Las Casas, “Sendas” (pathways). This joint venture of Schools for Chiapas and Imaginarte seeks to offer a space to share information about the cultures and histories of indigenous peoples in resistance in Chiapas to promote a center for learning, exchange and arts.

As part of the inaugural process, Uruguayan author Raul Zibechi will present his latest publication “Mundos otros y pueblos en movimiento” (Other Worlds and Peoples in Movement) in Sendas on Sunday, September 11th.

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The Invisible Fabric

“The first stage of the Journey for Life called by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation ended in Madrid, with the return of the second delegation — La Extemporanea, who traversed, as if weaving a vast spiderweb, three zones of the territory with teams of listening and the word.”

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