States for Genocide
Raúl Zibechi discusses the logic of containment and/or annihilation of “surplus humanity” in the emergent new world order.
States for Genocide READ MORE »
Raúl Zibechi discusses the logic of containment and/or annihilation of “surplus humanity” in the emergent new world order.
States for Genocide READ MORE »
Daliri Oropeza reflects on the meaning of the most recent communique from the EZLN in the context of the struggle of Palestinians and the many resistances in Mexico.
The Resistances of the Peoples READ MORE »
With the disappearance of migrants, the missing and murdered indigenous women, the serial elimination of environmental and human rights defenders, “Genocide of the Poor ” most aptly describes the nature of the war on marginalized communities.
Forced Disappearance and the Genocide of the Poor READ MORE »